iTweak is the ultimate companion for iWeb which allows you to add nearly all the missing Things. To make this short and effective, here is a list of the main features:
iTweak can back up both iWeb 06 and iWeb 08 sites in a snap
It can add a Favicon via a simple drag and drop method
You can integrate a Google Search bar into and for your site
You can add Google Analytics, Statcounter and any other hitcounter in the world
Easily embed the Haloscan Commenting system
Add a powerful PHP contact form
Automatically copy files from one location to another
Search & Replace the HTML that iWeb publishes
iTweak can password-protect your site
iTweak is freeware and because of that we kindly ask you to donate if you wish to. We have put a lot of effort into iTweak and so a small reward is appreciated very much.